2018 Lisbon, Portugal: Invigorating Training through Technological Tools

Monday, 21st of May
- BILC Update May 2017-May 2018, Emilija Nesheva, BILC Secretary
BILC Update Language Needs Analysis (LNA) – Follow-Up, Julie Dubeau, BILC Associate Secretary
BILC Update Familiarization Workshop On Level- 4 Reading Proficiency, Jana Begovic, BILC Associate Secretary
BILC Update “Language” being a topic in the Global Programming discipline of Education, Training, Exercises, and Evaluation (ETEE) and the results of the Training Requirements Analysis (TRA) workshop, Peggy Garza, BILC Associate Secretary
- Language Training and Testing in the Portuguese Armed Forces - Past, Present and (e-) Future, Marta Gabriel, Portugal
- BL update from the Australian Defence Force School of Languages (DFSL): the use of social apps, Articulate Storyline, comics making apps, H5P and AARP technology on DFSL courses, Anna Ivanova, Australia
- The Virtual Classroom (VVP) – The Austrian Experience, Elisabeth Müller-Lipold, Austria
- Efficient Learning Strategies Designed for Military Personnel Who Have Experienced One or More Traumatic Events: A Better Understanding of their Needs and Specific Characteristics, Fannie L’Abbé, Canada
- Web conference in language learning – opportunities and challenges, Maia Boltovsky, Estonia
- From MOOC to SPOC: Maritime and English through blended learning; NEPTUNE: creating a naval English learning program, Alcino Estevao Ferreira Da Costa, France
- STANAG 6001 CAT in Bulgaria – the Technical and Equipment Requirements – Lessons Learnt, Petko Petkov, BILC Secretary
- Redefining the ‘E’ in e-learning, Benjamin Charles Pim, Italy, video
- Teaching the English Language through Technological Tools in the French Air Force, Safia Mebarki, France
- First Experiences with Mobile Devices in Language Training, Sabine Baltes-Ellermann, Dugald Sturges, Germany
- New technologies creating a new linguistic function, Jérôme Collin, France
- To Be Unplugged or Not to Be, Emilie Alice Cleret, France
- On the Portability of STANAG 6001 Language Certifications, Gerard Seinhorst, The Netherlands
- Does technology provides us with shortcuts to language learning success?, Faisal Aldaboubi, Jordan
- Using technology to modernize foreign language teaching, testing and maintaining language proficiency at LNAF Language School, Ginta Lauva-Treide, Latvia
- Audiovisual method at the lessons of foreign language in the Lithuanian military academy (on base of teaching Russian), Jelena Kazimianec, Lithuania
- Technology generated changes in language training at the Polish Naval Academy, Daria Łeska-Osiak, Poland
- Online Language Courses – An Enhancing Learning Resource, Cristina Bordianu
- Gaming and Technology Enhanced Learning Development at DCLC, Henry Rupert Williams, United Kingdom
- DLIFLC-Developed Online Language Learning/Teaching Tools, Mina Lee, United States of America
- Parallel language usage in higher education and the challenges of domain loss, Karolina Karlström and Annette Nolan, Sweden
- E-training for specific mSG1ilitary exams in the French Army, Alexandra Massolo, France
- Getting our servicemen closer to SLP through the net, Luis Arias Loste, Spain
- Enhancing DLIELC OPI Tester Training with Technology, Barbara Peterson, United States of America
- Organizing Change in Curriculum: Institutional Approach, Masako Boureston, United States of America
- ACT seat allocation process, Valerii Churkin, NATO HQ SACT
Study group presentations
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