- BILC update May 2020 – September 2021, Branka Petek
- Changing expectations of the testing population, Gerard Seinhorst
- Mock Norming Session, Nancy Powers, May Tan
- Panel of Experts Q&A
- Remote vs. In-person Speaking Tests, Merit Kompus
- Reports on Workshop Activities
- Shared Item Bank Status 2021, Suzana Horvat
- Sustainable STANAG 6001 Testing, Jan Krivka
- Test Security, Kare Kildevang
- Testing Writing, Corina Ispas
- Two Approaches to Language Testing, Ray Clifford
- Workshop Overview, Peggy Garza
- Workshop Wrap Up
Documents and summaries
- Analysis of BAT-2 Ratings, Marju Laurits
- Online Multinational Moderation Models, Peggy Garza, Anna Guncheva, Andreea Marinescu
- Recommendations for Administering Remote Speaking Tests, Merit Kompus, Marju Laurits
- Remote vs In-person Speaking Tests, Merit Kompus
- Test Taker Expectations Form (Language tests), Gerard Seinhorst